ARTICLE | Simon Glendinning
The European World in Crisis
Philosophical engagement with the theme of Europe’s modern condition has two contrasting strands: a Europe-crisis strand and an exhausted-Europe strand...
ARTICLE | Miguel de Beistegui
On Crisis
In the opening lines of his Critique and Crisis (1959), Reinhart Koselleck links what we now call globalisation with the dawn of permanent crisis..
ARTICLE | Sandro Mezzadra
Borders, Frontiers, Capital
Mezzadra shows the structural contradictions arising from capital’s tendency towards the constitution of a world market, composed by heterogenous spaces of extraction, production and circulation.
ARTICLE | Nuno Castanheira
Crisis and the Mechanics of
Political Domination
In a 2012 interview to the newspaper Ragusa News, Giorgio Agamben said that...
ARTICLE | Santiago Zabala
Crisis and Borders Through the Flags of Filippo Minelli
Every crisis has its artist. Filippo Minelli’s work is meant to thrust us into the absence of emergencies that characterize our age.
EVENT | Paris, 14th-15th June, 2018
Evening at the Entrepôt
Two evenings of movies, documentary screenings and dialogues on the frontiers of Europe. Organized by Philosophy in a Time of Crisis with the collaboration of the ENS.
ARTICLE | John Protevi
Crisis and State Margins
The work of James C. Scott shows us that Europe's current struggles with its marginalities are examples of practices that are constitutive of the state as social form.
PHILOSOPHY IN A TIME OF CRISIS PUBLIC LECTURE/ Circulation and Hospitality as Fundamental Rights
As migrants and refugees are subjected to extreme violence in their attempts at crossing borders to reach a more livable place, a fundamental reflection is needed to update the concepts which frame mankind’s treatment of its own mobility.
ARTICLE | Thomas Nail
The Century of the Migrant
The continuous growth of human mobility and expulsion affects us all. It should be recognised as a defining feature of our epoch: the 21st century will be the century of the migrant.
ARTICLE | Martina Tazzioli
Containment Through Mobility
Containment through mobility obstructs migrants' movements and presence, not by fully stopping them but, rather, by forcing them to follow erratic geographies and to bounce across borders.
ARTICLE | Thomas Nail
Moving Borders
1) Borders are in motion; 2) Their main function is not to stop movement but to circulate it; 3) Borders are tools of primitive accumulation.
ARTICLE | Thomas Nail
The Century of the Migrant
The continuous growth of human mobility and expulsion affects us all. It should be recognised as a defining feature of our epoch: the 21st century will be the century of the migrant.
ARTICLE | Jason Wirth
Extinction Event
Life as we know it is under siege